Talleres Fino was founded in 1971 with the building of a 600 m2 warehouse. It started as a comercial and industrial vehicles garage.
In 1980 another 800 m2 were added to the existing site to create a warehouse for parts used in the main activity carried, repairing vehicles.
Due to the changes in the market, in 1982 the company was registered as Talleres y Recambios Fino S.A.
We continued selling parts and repairing vehicles up until 1987, when we concentrated solely on the selling side. And so the name of the company changed to its present nameFINO Recambios de Automoción e Industria S.A.
Alter settling in the market as an important distribution centre we started to expand and in 1986 we opened a small shop in a central area of León which at first was supplied by our main shop in Ponferrada.